About company

Gürsoy Homes, a licensed real estate agency in Turkey, is a dynamic, well-coordinated team of professionals who work day by day to ensure that there are more and more happy owners of real estate in Turkey.

Gürsoy Homes is a family business established back in 1998. Thanks to many years of experience, knowledge of Turkish legislation, continuous improvement and development in the field of real estate sales in Turkey, we become the best for our clients.

Gürsoy Homes
About company

Our team

Our team of professionals has extensive experience in real estate and is always ready to answer any questions and offer the best solutions for each client.

  • <center>Osman Gürsoy
    Osman Gürsoy
    CEO of Gürsoy Homes
  • <center>Ahmet Gürsoy
    Ahmet Gürsoy
    Executive Director of Gürsoy Homes
  • <center>Olga
    Regional Manager of Gürsoy Homes in Moscow
  • <center>Oleg
    Regional Manager of Gürsoy Homes
  • <center>Hasan
    Portfolio Manager of Gürsoy Homes

About company Gürsoy Homes

Cozy Alanya

We want to tell you a little about Alanya and show you the beauty of our region

Port of Alanya
Port of Alanya
Being a seaside town, Alanya earned most of its treasury through maritime trade. Several centuries ago, dozens of ships with a variety of goods brought from abroad regularly arrived at the city port. Beggars scurried along the embankment, fishermen sat at the piers, and work was in full swing around and trade was briskly going on. Today, the port of Alanya no longer has its former commercial significance, but is a popular tourist attraction. Excursion ships stylized as ancient frigates depart from here, and modern cruise liners are already moored a little further away. A walk along the embankment perfectly combines with a visit to one of the establishments where seafood dishes are served. Mussels, shrimps, squid, oysters, clams — here you can taste everything your heart desires.
Red Tower (Kyzyl-Kul)
Red Tower (Kyzyl-Kul)
On the coat of arms of Alanya, you can notice a tower washed by waves — this is the Kyzyl-Kule or Red Tower, so named because of the use of red bricks in construction. Kyzyl-Kul was also built during the reign of Sultan Ala-ad-din Kei-Kubad and served to protect against attacks from the sea. Even today, architects admire the quality of construction, thanks to which the tower has been recognized more than once as one of the outstanding examples of medieval defensive structures. In the 1950s, a small restoration was carried out, but Kyzyl-Kul was and remains the best preserved architectural monument of the Seljuk period. Inside the tower there is an ethnographic museum, where you can learn about the history of the building itself, and get to know the history more closely Alanya.
Tersane Shipyard
Tersane Shipyard
It may upset you, but the Tersane shipyard has not been used to build ships for more than 600 years. New ships were built here until 1361, but later the ships became larger and the existing docks simply could not accommodate them. In the following years, Tersans were used to store existing vessels, but no new ones were created. Considering its venerable age, the shipyard has been perfectly preserved to this day, which allowed it to become one of the most popular attractions of Alanya. Inside there is now a museum dedicated to shipbuilding, and the most interesting exhibit is the skeleton of a ship built more than seven hundred years ago.
Lighthouse of Alanya
Lighthouse of Alanya
The lighthouse of Alanya does not carry great cultural and historical value, but is it so important? — We think not, especially considering the fact that the lighthouse itself and the surrounding landscapes are an incredibly beautiful place from which it is impossible to leave without a couple of good photos. This lighthouse is often confused with another Alanian lighthouse built at the end of the XIX century, but this one was erected relatively recently specifically for tourists. Lighthouses, in principle, are rarely used for navigation, so this structure serves for the most part as an interesting attraction. Photo shoots are often arranged at the lighthouse, and the newlyweds come here on their wedding day. You can go upstairs for free, but sometimes the doors are closed and you have to admire the lighthouse from the outside, which also gives a lot of pleasure.
Observation deck
Observation deck "I Love Alanya"
This is literally a declaration of love of local residents to their city. If for some reason you have not yet fallen in love with Alanya, too, then immediately go here, because what you have seen will surely make you warm in your soul. You can climb to the observation deck, where the inscription "I Love Alanya" is located, by bus, car or on foot. And yet, falling in love with Alanya will be far from an inscription, but incredible views opening from a nearby observation deck. I do not want to leave here, but only there is a desire to sit for hours and watch the beautiful and cozy city, mighty rocks and the endless Mediterranean Sea.
Dim Chai River
Dim Chai River
The length of the Dim-Chai River is about 60 kilometers, and a small part of it passes through Alanya and is a popular holiday destination. There are restaurants right above the river, where it is especially pleasant to dine on the summer terrace, admiring the beautiful views. The variety of establishments is really impressive, and you can find any world cuisine here. Most establishments are open until late at night, so you will probably have time to discuss over a glass of wine everything you have wanted for a long time. But do not stop only at restaurants and go to the reservoir next to the dam, where there is another excellent observation deck, from where you can see the entire river valley. You can not swim here, but here, where the mentioned restaurants are located, you can do water procedures quite freely. However, take into account the fact that even on a hot day the water temperature is quite low. However, for someone it will clearly be a plus.
Damlatash Cave
Damlatash Cave
In 1948, when construction work was underway in the port of Alanya, the Damlatash cave was discovered as a result of an explosion, which literally translates from Turkish as "drop" and "water". The state almost immediately took the cave under protection, and speleologists began to study it. Stalactites and stalagmites of extraordinary beauty were found in Damlatash, and most of them are about 15 thousand years old. Their greatest concentration is in a spacious hall, the height of which is 15 meters. Inside the cave, the temperature is always at a little more than twenty degrees, and the humidity is about 90%. This microclimate makes a visit to the cave useful for asthmatics and all those who suffer from respiratory diseases. The entrance to the cave, as well as to many other local attractions, is paid, but it is unlikely that 10 lire, which is about fifty rubles, will hit the wallet hard.
Cleopatra Beach
Cleopatra Beach
The rocks covered with greenery, cedar forests and the azure sea — this place has always been beautiful, which is why the Egyptian ruler Cleopatra liked it so much. Roman Emperor Mark Antony was so crazy about Cleopatra that he gave his beloved this place, and also ordered the beach to be strewn with sand brought from the Nile Delta. No matter how beautiful it sounds, but this is just a legend that so successfully provided Cleopatra Beach with tourist interest. However, all of the above, in addition to the legend itself, is true, and the beach itself is considered the best in Alanya and one of the best in all of Turkey. Rental of sun loungers and sunbeds, cafes and bars, water activities, toilets and changing rooms — Cleopatra Beach has everything you need for a comfortable stay, including a clean beach and a blue sea.
Ancient city of Siedra (20 km from Alanya)
Ancient city of Siedra (20 km from Alanya)
It is not known exactly when the city of Siedra was founded, but the first mention of it occurs already in 48 BC. Then the Roman commander Pompey stopped here, returning from the war, after which he went to Egypt, where he was killed. Like many ancient cities on the territory of modern Turkey, Siedra reached its greatest heyday under the Roman Empire in the I–II centuries AD. After the rise, there are often falls, and Siedra was no exception in this regard: over the years the city turned into a God-forsaken place, was raided by Turks and Arabs, and was subsequently abandoned its inhabitants.
Sapadere Canyon (45 km from Alanya)
Sapadere Canyon (45 km from Alanya)
At the end of your trip to Alanya, be sure to take a look at the Sapadere Canyon in order to once again enjoy the beauty of Turkish nature. A walking route has been laid throughout the gorge, thanks to which you can get as close as possible to the local nature and touch the rocks, whose age is estimated in millions of years. Due to the fact that Sapadere is relatively far from the resort towns, there are sometimes not so many tourists here, and sometimes you can even be alone with nature. It is especially pleasant to walk along the gorge on a hot summer day, when the coolness emanating from numerous waterfalls, whose sources are located high in the mountains, is everywhere.
Dim Cave (14 km from Alanya)
Dim Cave (14 km from Alanya)
It's hard to believe, but the age of the Dim cave is more than a million years old, and it was opened only in the late 80s of the last century. For twelve years, speleologists explored the cave, after which it finally opened to visitors. The cave is vertical, so the descent to many halls goes through steep stairs, where you need to be careful. Do not forget to look up, because in some places the ceilings are quite low and you can hit your head really hard. Dim got a special love among tourists because of its stalactites and stalagmites of huge sizes and the most bizarre shapes. You can watch for hours what nature has been doing for centuries, but, alas, the tour lasts much less.
Gardens of Alanya Park
Gardens of Alanya Park
In the middle of urban development there is a beautiful park "Gardens of Alanya" — a real oasis in the city center. Be sure to come here in order to get away from everything, unwind and, of course, escape from the scorching Turkish sun. The park is always clean and well—groomed, so it's a pleasure to walk along the alleys and look at the local beauties. Many, coming here, are surprised by the beauty of the "Gardens of Alanya", I bet that you will be delighted. It is worth visiting here at least twice: in the afternoon and in the evening, when the lights turn on on the fountains, and a festive and at the same time peaceful atmosphere reigns everywhere.

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